
20 Career Questions for 2020 (part 1)

In this episode, Helen and Sarah talk about 10 questions to help you reflect on 2019 and be your best in 2020.

They share their own answers and insights on topics including strengths, networks and personal brand. Use the questions below, mentioned on the podcast, to get started.


  1. Reflecting on last year, when was your time well spent? And when was your time wasted?
  2. What possibilities are you going to explore this year?
  3. What one thing would you like to be true at the end of 2020 that isn’t today?
  4. What one change could you make in your current role to use your strengths more?
  5. What one person will you spend more time with in 2020 who will help you to make your work better?
  6. Name 3 ways you are going to nurture your curiosity in 2020
  7. How could you help someone else with their career at the start of next year?
  8. Name one thing you will do to improve your Linkedin profile in January
  9. What’s one thing you want to try for the first time in 2020?
  10. What 3 words would you like people to use to recommend you?
  11. If you’re the by-product of the 5 people that you spend time with – who do you want those people to be?
  12. What’s most important to you about where you work / what you work on / who you work with?
  13. Who could you build a relationship with to help your team or manager do a better job?
  14. What 3 statements about work are you prepared to stand behind / defend?
  15. Who could you start the year by saying thank you to for supporting you in your career so far?
  16. What one new work habit are you going to commit to trying out for 5 days in a row?
  17. Name one person that inspires you outside of your organisation – how can you find out more about their work?
  18. Write down 3 strengths you think you use at the moment? Ask someone for strengths based feedback – compare and contrast / intent vs. Impact
  19. What is your biggest grit blocker and booster?
  20. Finish this sentence….. success at work for me in 2020 is xxxxx

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  1. Sign up for our Squiggly Careers Skills Sprint
  2. Sign up for PodMail, a weekly summary of the latest squiggly career tools
  3. Read our books ‘The Squiggly Career’ and ‘You Coach You’




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